Monday, 17 February 2014

Interview with R5

You just released your first EP Loud a couple of months ago, how does that feel?
Ross: It’s really cool because we’ve been touring for a really, really long time without any product out where people can listen to R5. So, this is the first tour where we’ve actually played something that we’ve released—besides “Say You’ll Stay.” But that was just an acoustic version and wasn’t really a full production or anything. It’s really cool to have something out that people can sing along to and jam out to.
What is your favourite thing about being on tour?
Riker: Playing shows obviously!
Rydel: My favourite thing is performing every night with these crazy dudes and laughing and it’s just really fun.
Ratliff: I really like our days off. I know that sounds really lame, but because we’re always in a bus. We never get to see where we go. But on our days off we can explore and see where we are.

Least favourite?
Ross: The only bad thing about tour is the lack of showers and sleep. But other than that, literally everything you can imagine is pretty freakin’ awesome.
R5 with intern Brie DavisYou’ve been on the road for a while now. What’s next after the tour is over?
Ratliff: Sleeping! Lots of sleeping!
Rocky: And surfing!
Riker: Ross has lots to do for his movie coming out and the middle of June we have three weeks straight where literally every single day we are going to write and record the entire album. We have a lot of fly dates, so we will be doing the balloon festival in New Jersey, the Big Ticket Summer Concert in Toronto, a show in Paris, then London and Australia.
Rydel: And possibly Prince Edward Island.
Do you have any advice for anyone wanting to succeed in the music industry?
Ratliff: Don’t get jaded.
Rydel: Always stay true to yourself.
Ross: A lot of people are in it for the wrong reasons; if you don’t love it then don’t do it.

 Here are more R5 interviews

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